Earn Up To $5 Comodo Dollars

For every question you answer (10 Word Minimum Response) you will be credited with $1 Comodo Dollar. Sign Up or Login to submit feedback. You will instantly be logged into friends.comodo.com where you can view your balance and get more Comodo Dollars!

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1 • Do you feel as if your computer is performing slower than usual?. If so, what components are performing slower? What do you feel could be the cause of the lagging PC performance?

2 • (Specify Software Ex: CIS Premium) Has your CIS software prevented any of your most commonly used websites from executing properly on your Web Browser? If so, provide us with the name/s of the website/s so that CIS can set default permissions for those websites.

3 • Has your CIS software prevented any of your most commonly used applications from executing properly on your PC? If so, provide us with the name/s of the application/s so that CIS can add the application/s to our Trusted Vendor List.

4 • What is your opinion of your CIS software’s user interface? Do you feel the user interface is very user-friendly? If not, what are your suggestions to tailor the user interface more towards your needs?

5 • What is your opinion of your CIS software’s alert system? Does the alert system work just right for you? If not, what are your suggestions to tailor the alert system more towards your needs?

Any questions or concerns about the Comodo Friendship Program, email us at friends@comodo.com